Well, then!

A Happy Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas to you too!

I am so sorry for having disappeared on you!  I have been quite the busy person lately.  Shopapalooza was a ton of fun although a lot of us found it to be not so lucrative for some strange reason... and then we had Holiday Hoopla in Gulfport and ATOMIC in Sarasota AND THEN our last shows of the season were with The Amazing Marina Williams' ArtPool Gallery for her Annual Holiday Extravaganza CraftsyFest Weekend!

All shows were amazingly helpful in reconfiguring my show set ups and while all fell short of where I had hoped we'd be financially by the end of them - knowledge gained and networking was invaluable!

Then the last minute rush of getting MY Christmas in order fell completely short (I'm sensing a theme here, are you?) and instead of doing my normal:


My husband and I ended up just getting a small tree....and not decorating. O_O

Very uncharacteristic of me... but hear me out!

I was EXHAUSTED. O_______O Ex.Haust.Ed.

SO, we are going to be talking about what's next for us as far as shows go.  We might be taking it down a notch and very much more choosy with which shows we decide to participate in. 

Perhaps only a VERY few "craft shows or markets" and investing MUCH more time in finding shops and galleries who would like to sell my work :) And "shows" would be reduced to only galleries and formally juried art shows.

That is what's on the docket for us to talk about in the New Year!  For now, we are visting family and have such a great time! :)

I pray you all are too.  Also, that you forgive me for being so absentminded while I went around like a crazed monkey trying to sell my wares! hahaha

Have a blessed New Year, Everyone!

Here's to hoping 2017 is very kind and gentle and full of love and blessings for all of us! <3
