So, I've spent my Sunday recovering after some hard core socializing that was required of me yesterday afternoon at my first ever art show! I was selected to be included in a group of 7 artists that were displayed at My Favorite Art Place, an art gallery in Clearwater that is run by a fellow artist, Scott Manual and his wife Jerri! Super nice people! The show was a themed show that is going to explore several more interactive ideas. For example, this one is based around the idea of "transitions" and the next, from what I understand is going to be "Emerging" - I am SO excited! This was all created by the NICEST guy ever, Shae. I had the honor of speaking with him for a few minutes and he and the Manuals are very encouraging and excited about my participating in the next installment, as am I!
How amazing and blessed do *I* feel about the CHANGES that have happened comared to just last year!!
If they (Shae and the Manuals) had ANY idea the amount of tears and nights of sleep I've lost comparing myself to other artists and thinking I'd never be accepted into any show - they'd probably all smack me, as my husband and parents have done multiple times (and many other family members and friends have done virtually).
Yes, Yes... I understand but I understand that they love me and how hard it is to attempt to critize someone you love. Nobody wants to be the person that pops someone's bubble.
I mean... I'll do it, because I think about how embarrassed they might be, and therefore mad at me if I'm not honest and clear about what they could do to improve in order to be a stronger artist later.
I don't know if that's good or bad, but that's what I appreciate in my feedback that I recieve from people.
Well, except from my husband - sometimes I would prefer that he blow smoke up my skirt and just love everything I touch, but that's not honest and I need honesty more than false security.
Being pushed with my art in this past year has especially forced my growth, but without it, I'd probably still be crying to myself about how I'm not good enough for any art show.
Well... I proved my 2015 self wrong, didn't I?
ONTO the next year, the next show, the next project!
I'm working on something that's completely different for me and really pushing my comfort zone, really inchy-squinching myself out of it and exploring who I can be if I'm not so concerned with what everyone else thinks of it.
Who would I be, if I trusted that everyone would love me anyway?
Let's see!